Of the various items, news flows and blogs I follow there is one that I find particularly interesting by the marketing visionary Seth Godin. As Coreco are looking to recruit more top quality advisors at the moment I thought that I would share his latest little post with you all.
Excerpt taken from Seth Godins Blog:-
- For the money
- To be challenged
- For the pleasure/calling of doing the work
- For the impact it makes on the world
- For the reputation you build in the community
- To solve interesting problems
- To be part of a group and to experience the mission
- To be appreciated
Why do we always focus on the first? Why do we advertise jobs or promotions as being generic on items 2 through 8 and differentiated only by #1?
In fact, unless you’re a drug kingpin or a Wall Street trader, my guess is that the other factors are at work every time you think about your work.”
Food for thought anyway.
To follow the master Seth Godin yourself or read any of his excellent books follow this link here
Written by Andrew Montlake
Andrew Montlake, better known as Monty, began his journey with an Hons degree in Economics & Politics before starting in the mortgage industry in February 1994.
As a main founder of Coreco in 2009, he successfully grew the brand, marketing, and communications, and was made MD in 2019 focussing on the overall vision, strategy, and culture of the company.
As Coreco’s media spokesperson, Andrew can often be seen or heard on TV and radio as well as regularly commenting in the national, local, and trade press. He is the author of this acclaimed Mortgage Blog and is well-known for his social media, podcasts, and public speaking.
Andrew is now proud to serve as Chairman of the Association of Mortgage Intermediaries, (AMI) as a cheerleader for the Mortgage Industry as a whole and continues to work at the coal face, writing mortgage business and advising clients.
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